Champlain Aquatic invasive Monitoring Program (CHAMP) Sign-up Form

In the summer of 2023, LCC piloted the Champlain Aquatic invasive Monitoring Program (CHAMP), to recruit, train, and support volunteers to survey for aquatic invasive species (AIS) in Lake Champlain. Volunteers paddle or walk along a shoreline site, rake in samples of aquatic life, and report their findings of key target invasive species to LCC three times during the summer and fall. The data gathered by dedicated CHAMP community science volunteers, helps identify where AIS are and aren’t established and aids in early detection and rapid response to prevent new invaders from colonizing new areas. We train volunteers in identification of “watch list” AIS that have been reported in the Hudson and Richelieu rivers  and other nearby waterbodies, but not yet Lake Champlain.

CHAMP volunteers are required to:

  • Have access to a public or private lakeshore location. LCC's top priority is to have public access sites monitored.
  • Watch a virtual training and attend an in-person session to learn about aquatic species identification and CHAMP survey methods and practice surveying techniques. You have to sign up for a session in order to attend.
  • Conduct and submit at least one survey (two to three is ideal) for key target AIS at a selected site between September and October. The earlier you can start surveying, the better – we needwant to collect data before aquatic plants start to die back for the winter.

LCC supports CHAMP volunteers by:

  • Providing a virtual training session presented with AIS professionals to share background on AIS, key watch species, and outline survey and reporting protocols.
  • Hosting in-person training sessions – see the schedule in the sign-up form for available sessions. LCC can work with you to schedule additional trainings if those dates do not work for you.
  • Providing any necessary equipment, AIS identification resources, survey instructions and forms, sample submittal instructions and forms.
  • Being available for ongoing technical support for surveying and reporting throughout  the field season.

LCC is expanding CHAMP for the 2024 season by increasing participation and geographic scope. Help us expand coverage of Lake Champlain by joining our team of community science volunteers. Sign-up below to help protect the ecological health of Lake Champlain. 

IMPORTANT NOTE - when you click "submit" on this form, you'll be shown a copy of your completed form. You have to scroll down and select "Next" if the form is ready to be sent or "Previous" if you need to go back and change anything. You'll receive an auto-response email after successfully sending in your form - if you don't get that email, reach out to

CHAMP Volunteer Sign-up

Complete the form below to join the 2024 CHAMP team!

Site Coordinates

The easiest way to find the coordinates for your site is through Google Maps.

  1. Go to Google Maps.
  2. Click on the area of water closest to where you plan to conduct your assessment; when you click, a pin icon will appear.
  3. Google will automatically create the coordinates (for example, 44.461378, -73.221476). On a desktop computer, the coordinates will appear in a pop-up box; on a smartphone, you must click on the pin icon to view the coordinates.

​​Training Sessions

The CHAMP training session is split into two parts: a virtual presentation and an in-person session with hands on activities. Both are required in order to start surveying for AIS through CHAMP.

  • Have monthly access to a public or private lakeshore location. LCC's top priority is to have public access sites monitored.
  • Watch the full virtual training session (1 hour long)
  • Attend one of the in-person training sessions (1.5 hours long) - see training dates above).
  • Choose a site (multiple sites are encouraged!) and conduct at one or two AIS surveys by the end of October 2024 at your site(s).
  • Read and follow guidance provided by LCC throughout the season.
  • Follow all applicable local, state, and federal COVID-19 safety guidelines while monitoring and traveling across state and provincial borders for monitoring.