Algae Monitors Needed in NY & VT

Photo by Jeanne Stark
For the seventh consecutive year, the Lake Champlain Committee is coordinating a volunteer blue green algae monitoring program for near-shore areas of the lake. Citizen monitors collect water samples on a weekly basis which are analyzed by the University of Vermont. The program is critical to expanding knowledge of how, why, and when blooms form and what triggers them to turn toxic. It also provides data to public health agencies for posting about swimming safety. We need monitors to sample at Beggs Park in Essex, NY and High Rocks in Highgate Springs, VT. LCC will provide sampling equipment, training, and ongoing support. Willing volunteers need to be able to take water samples between 10AM and 2PM on Sundays or Mondays between July 6th and September 8th. LCC will arrange a Monday morning pick-up with the Essex volunteer. The High Rocks volunteer must deliver the samples to the Missisquoi National Wildlife Refuge Headquarters by Tuesday morning. Samples are taken in very shallow water, so a boat is not necessary so long as the volunteer has access to the shore. A short training session will be held on Monday June 29th. If you or anyone you know is interested please contact LCC staff scientist Mike Winslow at 802-658-1461 or mikew@.