June 6th National Trails Day Project at Niquette Bay<br> Saturday from 10 am until 2 pm

Photo by Jenna Fitch
Join in a fun day of trail maintenance and hiking at beautiful Niquette Bay, one of the stops on the Paddlers’ Trail. Individuals and families with children 8 and up are welcome to help us get this popular network of trails ready for summer. Lunch will be provided. Come prepared with sturdy boots, gloves, water, sunscreen and bug repellant. Please register in advance with Jessica Ricketson at 802 879-5680 or jessica.ricketson@ so we’ll be sure to have enough food! state.vt.us
This maintenance project is a collaborative effort of the Vermont Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation, the Girl Scouts, American Hiking Society, No Child Left Inside, and the Lake Champlain Committee.