Your Comments Wanted on Lake Restoration Plan

Weigh in on VT's plan to reduce phosphorus loading. Photo by VT DEC.
After EPA released a final phosphorus <link learn news item the-limits-of-epas-pollution-plan-for-lake-champlain>Total Maximum Daily Load for Lake Champlain in June, the state of Vermont now has the responsibility for assuring the pollution loads identified can be met. In late-August Vermont officials held a series of public meetings to discuss their draft plan for doing so. This is the third iteration of the implementation plan. The first was released in November 2013, and the second in August 2015. The newest version incorporates elements of the Vermont Clean Water legislation that have gone into effect, or are expected to go into effect since last year, revises some timelines for implementation, and incorporates actions the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation (VT DEC) was already taking that hadn’t been incorporated into the earlier versions. VT DEC is accepting comments on the revised plan until September 7, 2016. Comments may be emailed to anr.cleanwatervt@.