Over 200 Trained to Assess Water - Next Training is July 9

LCC has trained over 200 people to assess water conditions and identify blue-green algae for the 2013 season so far.

LCC's blue-green algae monitoring program got underway several weeks ago. Staff Scientist Mike Winslow has trained over 200 people to assess conditions, differentiate blue-green algae from other lake phenomena, and categorize water quality.

"We are excited to be working with such a dedicated group of lake-lovers to better inform the public about the presence and absence of algae blooms on the lake," said Winslow.

LCC blue-green algae monitors provide weekly observations about water quality from designated locations around the lake from mid-June through Labor Day. To become a monitor you need to attend an LCC training session, have weekly access to the same shoreline location and the ability to submit online reports. The program provides critical data on where and when blooms are happening and is relied on by municipalities, park managers, and public health and environmental agencies to assess whether the water is safe for recreation. It also adds to our knowledge about the triggers for blooms so we can reduce their frequency.

We will host another training session at the LCC office at 208 Flynn Avenue on Tuesday, July 9 at 2:00 PM. The training will last about an hour. An advance RSVP is helpful to ensure we have enough room.